Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Norma's silence has been her only currency for years. While Maciel was alive (he died in the US on January 31, 2008), she lived with her daughter in luxurious apartments in Sevilla and Madrid. They arrived in Spain with a visa "without a work permit", according to the Spanish consulate in Mexico. In the Andalusian capital, they occupied a apartment which, in the 1970s, was billed as "This is of high category: in the apartments of the Estadio Building. Apartments with class; marbles and fine woods, individual air conditioning and heating, ambient music, bronze and crystal chandeliers, textured paint, storage, garage, grand entrances."

After, they moved to Madrid, to a gated community in the Pilar neighborhood. All was paid, according to Bonilla, who quotes as a source a Legionary priest, "tormented by guilt", with money from benefactors of the congregation. Maciel's Spanish daughter also took some courses at the Anahuac University (Mexico City), owned by the Legionaries, where "they knew her identity"; and, according to some sources, she was also formed at the Francisco de Vitoria en Madrid, also belonging to the organization.

According to José Bonilla, the Legionaries knew for years of the existence of Maciel's daughter. "He introduced her to Pope John Paul II. There are photographs to prove it." Bonilla assured us that he can produce even more documents: "I have letters, photos and recordings of a highly placed functionary", which he promised to make public very soon.

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