Friday, March 12, 2010

Quotes from a tumultuous week

"In Rome, some fear this is just the beginning.

This fear is not idle, as the internet and world press are already full of reports that these crises may cast a shadow over the entire pontificate.

The battle occurring right now is over how history will judge Benedict’s papacy."

(Inside the Vatican’s Moynihan)

"Soy de los que cree que la maldad, de alguna forma, existe, es real. Todos la hemos conocido arropada en ocasiones, en intenciones supuestamente filantrópicas o humanitarias. Pero pocas veces se la puede personificar en forma tal evidente como en la historia de Marcial Maciel. Esa es una historia de profunda maldad escudada en la fe. Las denuncias sobre Maciel trascienden, sin lugar a dudas, el ámbito religioso, de la fe. El fundador de la orden de los Legionarios de Cristo sumó en vida una larga serie de atropellos y delitos que deben ser investigados no sólo por las autoridades eclesiásticas y la propia orden sino también por las autoridades civiles."

"I am one of those who believe that evil, in some form, exists and is real... The accusations against Maciel transcend, without a doubt, the realm of religion and faith. The founder of the Legion of Christ has accumulated a large list of sins and crimes which must be investigated, not only by church authorities and the order itself, but also by civil authorities."

Jorge Fernandez Mendez of Zocalo)

Al término de la misa dominical, el Cardenal se trasladó junto a algunos fieles a presenciar los festejos por el Día de la Familia que organizó la Arquidiócesis de México en el costado izquierdo de la Catedral Metropolitana.

Mientras el cardenal inauguraba las actividades, Klug llegó corriendo y comenzó a gritar desde afuera de la reja del atrio: "¡Juicio a los padres violadores y a sus encubridores!".

El arzobispo primado de México continúo su discurso y agradeció la presencia de más de 80 representantes de asociaciones civiles religiosas.

También defendió al matrimonio como núcleo de la familia, pero entonces otras tres personas se sumaron a los gritos contra el prelado.

"¡El caso Maciel no debe quedar impune!", gritó Graciela Mejía, una de las inconformes.

Cat calls in a protest against Archbishop Rivera of Mexico City: "Justice for priest rapists and their enablers!" "The Maciel case should not go unpunished!"

(El Siglo de Torreon)

The Mexican Bishops’ Conference (CEM) released a brief statement today saying that the latest revelations involving the founder of the Legion of Christ, Fr. Marcial Maciel, should not derail the Apostolic Visitation of the congregation that is being carried out by five bishops on behalf of the Holy See....

The statement issued by the Mexican bishops was signed by its Secretary General, Bishop Víctor René Rodríguez Gómez, and says that 'in response to the demands for a statement from the Mexican Bishops Conference … we are united to the desire of the members of the congregation of the Legionaries of Christ to … know the truth regarding the different situations of their Founder’s life, which as Church we find sad and painful'

The bishops also said that 'we are close to the persons who have suffered these abuses and we demand that justice be made both in the cases related to the Church as well as other sectors of civil society.'

Nevertheless, the Mexican bishops cautioned that 'to find the truth does not mean to poison the Apostolic Visitation' of the Legion of Christ that will end later this month."

On this last one, Landon Cody says: Wha?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"The battle occurring right now is over how history will judge Benedict’s papacy."

The battle occurring right now is diabolical. I certainly hope "how things look" is not what is on their minds. It is that worry that has allowed this evil into the Church in the first place. The powers that be have covered for Satan's minions long enough. The first rule of spiritual warfare is to bring evil into the light. How the pope looks in the history books just does not matter as long as He does the right thing.