Wednesday, June 18, 2008

More on Mass Intentions

Testimony of an ex Legionary of Christ who was a superior in the United States:

It's unspeakable, to say the least. MM used to order me, when I was the superior in Orange, Ct., to request mass intentions from the USA dioceses, and send the moneys to him. Those masses were never taken care of, never celebrated. That's stealing, deceiving the donor's intentions, a sacrilege.

Thanks for the note J.V.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In 2000-2002 the same thing was going on - soliciting mass intentions via mail, depositing the money, then leaving the mass intentions piled up in a trash can for which a single mass was offered. An LC priest, not a superior, was greatly offended, but we were told, what can you do. Como dijo el monito, ni moditos!