Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Will He Dare Cast Them Into the Sea?

"Los que escandalizan a los pequeños merecen que les cuelguen una piedra de molino al cuello y los tiren al mar". Valiente, decidido, como lo viene siendo desde siempre en esta dura cuestión, profundamente evangélico, Benedicto XVI volvió a lanzar un mensaje de "tolerancia cero" hacia los pederastas en el seno de la Iglesia.

Condena tajante, sin tapujos, y sin excepciones. Venga de donde venga. Un gran gesto del Papa, y un interrogante que, en muy pocos días, comenzará a ser desvelado: ¿Se atreverá a echarlos al mar? ¿Lo hará la próxima semana, cuando entregue a los obispos irlandeses la carta de disculpas y de reglas de actuación ante el escándalo de los abusos sexuales en este país? ¿Será ejemplar en la condena de las actitudes de Maciel y quienes conocían, aprobaban o silenciaban los abusos en la Legión?

Aunque después alguien nos acuse de ingenuos, estamos convencidos de que el Papa no va a dar un paso atrás en su decidida defensa de los derechos de los niños, y en la persecución y la condena a estos maltratadores.

"Those who scandalize the little ones should have a mill stone tied to their necks and be cast into the sea." Valient, decided, and, as it has come to be in this difficult question, profoundly evangelical, Benedict XVI again launched a message of "zero tolerance" against pederasts in the heart of the Church.

A categorical condemnation, without beating around the bush, without exceptions. Where ever it may come from. A great gesture from the Pope, and a question, which, in very few days, will be unveiled: "Will he dare cast them into the sea?" Will he do it next week when he gives the Irish bishops the letter of pardon and rules of action regarding the scandals and sexual abuses in that country? Will he set an example in condemning the attitudes of Maciel and those who knew, approved, or silenced the abuses in the Legion?

Even if afterwards we are accused of being naive, we are convinced that the Pope will not back down in his firm defense of the rights of children, and in the prosecution and punishment of those who would mistreat them.

From Religion Digital
. Jesus Bastante

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I hope you are right about the Pope. I'm not so convinced. After all, Ratz was in charge of the CDF when a lot of the shenanigans (Maciel and plenty of others) were going on. Apparently his hands were tied.

Depending on what tied his hands then, he may or may not choose (or be able) to do much more at this stage of the game. I'm sure some lip service will be given, but whether there will be substance behind it remains to be seen.

It's possible that B16 was infuriated his hands were tied in the past and will lower the boom now.

We'll see.