Friday, December 4, 2009

What do you want to say to Archbishop Chaput?

What would you like to tell Archbishop Chaput? If he is checking this blog while he is in Rome in talks concerning the visitation of the Legion of Christ, here is your chance to leave a comment and let him know anything that's on your mind at the last minute...


Anonymous said...

Hi Archbishop Chaput -
I left RC 6 months ago. The pain and suffering of being betrayed not only by Fr Maciel but by the LC hierarchy who continued to allow the lie to continue has been immense. Please let all the truth of this situation come out and be told so that we all can heal and move on with our spiritual journey in a healthy way. Only the truth will set us free from this lie. We need the Vatican's guidance. send my prayers to you and thank you for all you are doing to help.

Anonymous said...

Caveat: this is from a LC site in Spain, so the twist may be too lenient...

Anonamouse said...

I was told once by a Visitator, that I should take my concerns to an LC Superior. I thought about it for a moment, if the Visitators think this highly of LC Superiors, and the Legion is allowed to continue their "Mission", then the Catholic Church is again ignoring serious abuse of innocent Catholics. The Legion will continue to manipulate, control, and deceive innocent people because this is the way ALL of them have been programmed. Please listen to the people.

Dilbert said...

The Church has enough problems with image and credibility now. "Catholic" is becoming synonymous with abuse and pederasty. There are decent orders of priests and some worthwhile movements within the Church. If your leg gets gangrene you need to cut it off if the rest of the body is to survive and be healthy. Archbishop Chaput, please amputate this gangrenous body of Maciel from the true Body of Christ.

Anonymous said...

Please save us from this legion of demons!

Anonymous said...

I would like Abp Chaput to know that I continue to suffer, with no end in sight. At the same time, now that I have left, I am far better off, by the grace of God alone.

I would like Abp Chaput to know that everything I need exists in the Catholic church already. A corrolary to that even if there is any good at all to be found in LC/RC, the LC/RC is still unnecessary.

I would like Abp Chaput (and all AVs) to remember that in the past the LC has been dealt with too leniently, and this is what has brought the situation to where it is today. It is time to err on the side of harsh. Nothing less will effect any change at all.

The Church has suffered so much scandal. Bring this source of scandal to an end once and for all.

Anonymous said...

Having been a member of it for many years, too many and they having made a mess of my life in many ways, I would ask Archbhishop Chaput to request those in the Vatican who approve this and other so called movements in the Church to do their homework. We are now picking up the pieces of the disastrous handling of the Legion by former high Vatican officials, some of them having received succulent gifts from the unscrupulous founder, while thousands of Christ's faithful were being deceived and abused thinking that this perverse organization had the approval of various Popes. I would ask him to convey this grave concern to those in the Vatican who have lacked discernment. I also think that the whole truth should come out. A total refoundation is needed including a radical shake up of all the structures so that it will no longer be a Legion of the Devil.