Saturday, January 31, 2009

And the Beat Goes on...

or maybe, "Will You Still Love me Tomorrow?"

From the Legion of Christ website:

In his letter, dated January 13, 2009, Father Álvaro Corcuera, LC, the general director of the Legion of Christ and Regnum Christi, wrote: “The year 2008 has marked the beginning of a new stage in the life of the Legion and the Movement, which calls to mind Christ’s words when he asks us “launch out into the deep” (cf. Luke 5:4). We remember the first anniversary of Nuestro Padre’s passing away; the best way to live it is in a spirit of prayer, asking for the grace to accomplish the plan God has entrusted to us, and to bring to its fullness the charism that it is now our turn to faithfully pass on. We approach this anniversary clearly aware of our commitment as trustees of a gift we share in the Church.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excellent phrasing of the songs
"The beat goes on..." - same'ole LC song and dance, business as usual, same cult methodology. Yes, our founder was a bad guy, forget about it, we have. Now, give us (money, your life) or YOU will cause souls to go to Hell, because God is our true founder, or else why would we have all these fruits? We need you more than ever.

OR "Will you love me tomorrow" - Yes, now that you know the truth, how our founder was an evil sick manipulator and we covered for him and tricked you into getting involved, will you still love God, the Church, souls, US. Since God placed the Legion in your life it was meant from all eternity that we be together and you must still support us, because that is what GOD and Mother Church are asking of you. Be faithful to your vows/promises/help that you gave in the past and continue.

I guess I answered my own question of which one -- BOTH!!!
