Well, if Madonna can do it, anyone can.
Legionarios de Cristo buscan reivindicarse
Julián Sánchez
El Universal
Sábado 06 de junio de 2009
Los Legionarios de Cristo no son el padre Marcial Maciel, pues si bien fue el fundador, la labor educativa, social y religiosa va más allá de la figura de ese sacerdote, sostuvo su vocero Javier Bravo, quien dijo que se ha emprendido una apertura de esta organización hacia la sociedad para que se conozca la razón de ser de la legión.
Durante un acercamiento que tuvo con reporteros, Bravo reconoció que los escándalos en torno a Maciel provocaron un shock en el interior y que el esfuerzo que se hace no significa que se quieran lavar la cara.
Aceptó que si bien no será fácil realizar esta apertura y hacer a un lado la mala percepción que se tiene por actos de Marcial Maciel; señaló que se trabaja no para seguir el ejemplo del fundador, sino el de Cristo.
Informó que a la legión no se le ha hecho saber oficialmente quienes serán los encargados de la “visita apostólica” que ordenó El Vaticano a los Legionarios de Cristo.
Javier Bravo insistió en que luego del escándalo, existe al interior un espíritu de mucha unión y fraternidad y que no hubo un daño.
De ahí que lejos de reducirse la matrícula de universidades y colegios fundados por la legión, debido a la situación en cuestión o por la crisis económica, la matrícula tiende a incrementarse, pues se tiene registro que las solicitudes se han elevado en 8%, dijo el vocero.
Expuso, que la labor social de la congregación se desarrolla en varias vías, siendo la principal la educativa. Mencionó que existen más de 130 mil alumnos en colegios en varios países.
Además de otras acciones que se hacen con apoyos en zonas marginadas, como la distribución de paquetes nutricionales a unos 500 mil niños, paralelamente a la labor con el programa Mano Amiga en 34 colegios en nueve países, así como el plan Misiones que contempla 78 programas de desarrollo en diferentes ciudades mexicanas.
Thanks for the tip, anon.
Monday, June 8, 2009
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Translation, please?
Here is the internet translation, via the quirky Babelfish, which adds an air of quaintness:
The Legionaries of Christ are not Martial father Maciel, because although he was the founder, the educative, social and religious work goes beyond the figure of that priest, maintained their spokesman Brave Javier, who said that an opening of this organization has been undertaken towards the society so that the reason of being of the legion is known. During an approach that she had with reporters, Bravo recognized that the scandals around Maciel brought about a shock in the interior and that the effort who become does not mean that they are wanted to wash the face. He accepted that although it will not be easy to realise this opening and to make to a side the bad perception that is had by acts of Martial Maciel; he indicated that one works does not stop to follow the example of the founder, but the one of Christ. He informed that to the legion one has not informed to him officially who will be the ones in charge of the “apostolic visit” that ordered the Vatican to the Legionaries of Christ. Brave Javier insisted on which after the scandal, he exists to the interior a spirit of much union and brotherhood and that was no a damage. For that reason far from to be reduced to the matriculation of universities and schools founded by the legion, due to the situation at issue or by the economic crisis, the matriculation tends to be increased, because registry is had that the requests have risen in 8%, the spokesman said. He exposed, that the social work of the congregation is developed in several routes, being main the educative one. He mentioned that they exist more than 130 thousand students in schools in several countries. Besides other actions that take control of supports in marginalized zones, like the distribution of nutritional packages to about 500 thousand children, paralelamente to the work with the program Amiga Hand in 34 schools in nine countries, as well as the plan Missions that contemplate 78 programs of development in different Mexican cities.
Please,comment about the news from congregation for the clergy,about new resolutions of laicizing priests.
Um, since that translation is remarkably similar to my own (my last class was Spanish 204 in the spring of 1983), is there a better one out there? Even a synopsis? But thank you, Patrick, for taking the time to do it; it was worth much more than I paid for it (no sarcasm here because I didn't bother, eh?)
La Jornada also has a story. Part of the same pr initiative, it would seem.
Yo fui Legionario de Cristo durante muchos anos, y la consigna era "seguir a Cristo segun el ejemplo de Nuestro Padre (Maciel), ser sacerdote segun su ejemplo. Su sacerdocio existe solo por la fidelidad que el tiene a su sacerdocio"
Vivimos esta consigna. La comiamos, la bebiamos, la meditabamos, la interiorizabamos, la dormiamos.
Vayan las palabras del "spin"!
I was a Legionary for many years, and the rule was: "Follow Christ the way Nuestro Padre (Maciel) follows Christ. Be a priest according to his example. Your priesthood exists only through his fidelity."
We lived, ate, drank, meditated, interiorized and slept this rule.
What Bravo says is total spin.
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