Thursday, January 28, 2010
No Discussions in the Legion of Christ
Fr. Corcuera urges charity as Legionaries discuss future
Mexico City, Mexico, Jan 28, 2010 / 10:52 am (CNA).- In a recent letter sent to members of the Legion of Christ, Director General Father Alvaro Corcuera, L.C., urged members to be charitable towards each other during their internal discussions regarding the future of the congregation.
In response to a growing exchange of emails between Legionaries about two main issues: the role their founder should play in the future of the congregation, and also the measures that should be put in place to prevent similar situations from happening, Fr. Corcuera called on members to “console each other and accompany each other mutually,” as Simon of Cyrene did for Christ.
Fr. Marcial Maciel founded the Legion of Christ in 1941. Though he died in 2008, revelations of his inappropriate behavior as a priest and leader surfaced early in 2009.
Responding to criticism by some in the Legion who accused their current leaders of being accomplices in the misconduct of their founder, Fr. Corcuera asked members to help one another “live this gift of peace, mutually encouraging one another, understanding one another, truly loving each other, mutually forgiving one another, without recriminating or judging each other, much less humiliating each other.”
A veteran Legionary who spoke with CNA to provide the context of the letter, explained that Fr. Corcuera has asked that the email exchanges, which express “charitably but energetically” conflicting positions regarding the future of the congregation, come to an end.
“These are differences that more or less run along cultural and linguistic lines,” he said, with some English-speaking Legionaries calling for an open discussion about the errors of Fr. Maciel and a change to the “internal culture” of the order. On the other side, many from Spanish-speaking countries think the sins of the founder should be left in the past and that the evils should be corrected “by the faithfulness of the members to the foundational spirit.”
The email exchanges, which have been ongoing for a month, motivated Fr. Corcuera to send a second letter on January 24, calling for an end to the email debates.
“I believe the exchange of opinions through emails between numerous groups of priests, as has taken place recently, is a display of trust and the love we have for each other. But I think that it will never end if we continue like this and we may even cause misunderstandings and opposing positions,” Fr. Corcuera wrote.
“We must all continue working, and seek the best path to allow everyone, especially priests, to calmly contribute with their gifts and reflections to responding to what God is calling us to at this time, especially through the direction which we expect to receive from the Holy See. For now we must let it mature in the hearts of each one of us, as a family, helping each other to purify and build up this work to which God has called us,” the letter stated.
At the beginning of the year, renowned American Legionary, Fr. Richard Gill, announced he was leaving the Legionaries of Christ over irreconcilable differences with his superiors about the direction the congregation is taking following the revelations of Father Maciel’s double life.
Currently, five bishops are conducting an Apostolic Visitation of the Legion and are expected to conclude in March 2010.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Strong words for the Regnum Christi
To all in Atlanta,
I trust no one here at all.I put my THICKEST WALL up when I enter a Catholic Church.Anyone that approaches me in Church I assume they are INFECTED and I put on my surgical MASK.
I was BEFRIENDED at the TABERNACLE and at ADORATION so it has been like a SPIRITUAL RAPE.
I have learned SO MUCH and am in healing as I post but NEVER AGAIN WILL I TRUST ANYONE.
We were used and SUCKED dry of all we had and DISCARDED when we questioned some VERY IMMORAL dealings.So that was when we were treated like DISSENTERS to L/C practices.It is all ROTTEN/EVIL AND A CULT
Posted by: IN REMISSION IN ATLANTA | January 20, 2010 at 03:22 PM
Saturday, January 16, 2010
No Freedom

Recientemente un hermano o padre recién salido de la Congregación, se ha puesto en contacto con esta Asociación.
Se ha quejado del control que tienen los superiores sobre las comunicaciones electrónicas, es decir, los e-mail. Al parecer, los superiores tienen claves de acceso al correo de sus súbditos, pero no solo eso, todos los correos que reciben del exterior (incluidos los familiares) son revisados por los superiores, incluso antes mismo de que el hermano los reciba. De modo que si el superior lo juzga oportuno, el correo es borrado del sistema, y nunca llega al destinatario.
Por medio de este control, los superiores evitan que los religiosos reciban información completa o alternativa, sobre lo que está pasando en la Legión, al tiempo que coaccionan a sus súbditos, para que no manifiesten “preocupaciones” o “disensiones” a sus familiares, y al tiempo que siguen fomentando aquello de “no preocupar a los familiares con problemas que sólo incumben a su relación con Dios y con la Legión”.
En esta misma página, se ha denunciado ya al art 383 de las Constituciones que dice literalmente: “El Rector o Superior del Centro, u otro religioso designado por él, revise todas las cartas y entregue sólo las que juzgue oportuno”.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Taking Issue with Thomas Peters
Thomas Peters stated the following on his blog concerning Maciel when reporting Fr. Richard Gill's departure from the Legion of Christ:
What is clear is that [Maciel] was a gravely sinful man, and what matters at this point, when it comes to the future of the movement he founded, is who knew about his sins and colluded with him to hide them, especially if these persons have any ongoing involvement in the Legion.
Although an important question in the grand scheme of things, this blogger thinks that the key question when it comes to the future of the movement he (Maciel) founded is more along the lines of what Fr. Gill says in his letter:
I have believed that a rigorously honest approach to this terrible series of events was the only way to proceed. Furthermore, I felt that if done so, and counting on the help of the Holy See, it could even lead to true healing and renewal for the Legion and the Movement, even in spite of the truly serious questions it raises about the charism of the congregation.
The first question to be answered, and the one that will determine what future the Legion of Christ may or may not have, is "What or who was this man from the very first moment of the foundation of the Legion, and what did he really found?"
Faith does not answer this question. Neither does backward looking logic.
And it is going to take a lot of balls to face the answer on the part of the Legion and the Church, as well as every Catholic out there.
Gill's Words, History's Judgement
But anything the Holy See can do depends also on the willingness of the Legion to examine itself and work on its own problems.
History has shown that this is one of the many reasons for the downfall of the Legion: they are simply not capable of self examination (which is so much demanded of individual members) as an organization. They can never admit that they were wrong. That would violate the private vow, lived and enforced as much today as it was before being abolished by the Pope. (But they will tell you that they don't profess it any more. Big deal. They still enforce it.)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Fr. Richard Gill leaves the Legion of Christ
With my greetings for a very happy New Year for 2010 and assurance of my continued prayers and Masses for you and your families, I have some news to pass on to you.
I’m writing to inform you that after 29 years, I will be leaving the Legionaries of Christ and will apply to become a priest of the Archdiocese of New York.
I leave with a heavy heart and as you can imagine, it is a very sad experience for me. But after long conversations and correspondence with superiors, and after having consulted with prudent and widely respected priests, I believe in my conscience it is the right thing to do.
The news of the various scandals regarding Fr. Maciel was truly shocking and horrendous for us and the whole the Church. In dealing with them I have tried my best to be honest and candid whenever I have spoken to you all about them and never knowingly misled anyone. I have believed that a rigorously honest approach to this terrible series of events was the only way to proceed. Furthermore, I felt that if done so, and counting on the help of the Holy See, it could even lead to true healing and renewal for the Legion and the Movement, even in spite of the truly serious questions it raises about the charism of the congregation.
I’m leaving more because the manner in which the Legion has handled the revelations since the Vatican took action against Fr. Maciel in 2006 has left me often frustrated and totally distracted. I’ve tried my best to communicate with the superiors over this past year, and they have been gracious and generous taking the time to listen. I believe I have had the opportunity to get my point of view across to them.
I have participated extensively in the Apostolic Visitation and gave my best input to Abp. Chaput on multiple occasions. He has been gracious, fair and objective. I feel I have done all I can in that regard.
My conclusion is that the reforms needed in the Legion (which the scandals have made clear) simply won’t happen in the foreseeable future with the current leadership’s approach to the matter.
I hope and pray the Apostolic Visitation somehow does bring about the needed changes, and remain ready to do whatever I can to help. But anything the Holy See can do depends also on the willingness of the Legion to examine itself and work on its own problems. Even in the most optimistic of scenarios, reform will take a great deal of time and will continue to be a very absorbing and frustrating experience. I don’t want to live my priesthood in frustration, but serve the Church as best I can in another capacity.
Nothing I have said should be understood to take away in the least the gratitude I feel for all the good I have received from the Legion over these many years. There are so many things about the Legion and the Movement that are extraordinarily unique and wonderful. It has been a privilege to serve among so many talented and holy brothers and priests, who have treated me with such kindness and charity. There are so many treasured memories and many fruitful apostolic works I have had the privilege to be associated with, as well as generous and loving lay people who have always edified me with their example of faith and love. Those are true blessings from God for which I will always be grateful.
I hope to keep in touch and I encourage you all to continue in your own vocation, attentive to the Holy Spirit and growing every day in love for the Lord and his will in your life. I will have you and your families very close in my prayers and Masses.
Please let me know if there is ever anything I can do for you.
Sincerely in Christ,
Fr. Richard Gill
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Opinions (stay on topic, it is just a comparison)
[Arzobispo de la Ciudad de Mexico] Rivera llegó al extremo de emitir un comunicado donde habla a nombre de toda la Iglesia católica –que es diferente a la jerarquía conservadora dominante-- para sentenciar que “la Iglesia considera una aberración equiparar las uniones entre personas del mismo sexo con el matrimonio, pues éstas son incapaces de alcanzar los fines que dieron origen a esta imprescindible institución”.
Rivera advierte que “las uniones entre individuos del mismo sexo no tienen futuro, toda vez que son pocas las personas que desean unirse bajo este esquema con su pareja, lo cual puede observarse en los países que ya cuentan con esta ley”.
Bajo el amparo de citas de San Pablo (Epístolas a los Romanos y Corintios), el arzobispo primado advierte que “los actos homosexuales son intrínsecamente desordenados”.
¿Por qué no opinó lo mismo cuando muchas de sus víctimas denunciaron los abusos del fundador de los Legionarios de Cristo, Marcial Maciel? ¿Acaso porque Maciel nunca asumió su opción homosexual y prefirió ejercerla en el clóset, abusando de su autoridad en contra de menores indefensos?
Friday, January 8, 2010
Religion Story of the Decade?
Gary Stern offers suggestions on the Relgion Story of the Decade, and suggests the abuse scandal. While commenting on fading interest while the situation seems to remain unchanged, Stern offers an example:
Even [Hartford's Trinity College Religion professor Mark] Silk doesn’t mention the surest proof that the scandal has faded from public consciousness: the lack of media coverage given the demise of the Legionaries of Christ.
In a small nutshell: Pope John Paul II was enamored with the Legionaries, a fast-growing, very traditional Catholic order of priests that was founded in 1941 in Mexico by Marcial Maciel. The pope ignored allegations by about a dozen former seminarians that Maciel had sexually abused them.
In 2006, Pope Benedict XVI publicaly retired Maciel from ministry, without saying why. But it was obvious.
This past February, the Legion itself disclosed that Maciel had fathered children and lived a “double life.” The Vatican is now investigating the order.
The whole story is set out in journalist Jason Berry’s video “Vows of Silence.”
One can argue that the tale of Maciel and the Legionaries is a microcosm of the larger sex-abuse scandal. Allegations of abuse were made and the church—in this case, the POPE—either looked the other way or ignored the evidence. What did he know? When did he know it?
I keep wondering whether the Maciel case will affect John Paul’s otherwise glowing reputation as the late pontiff zooms toward sainthood. It sure seems to be a dark stain on his pontificate. But hardly anyone knows about it.
The religion story of the decade still inspires curiosity, but no more.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Make or Break
Le Monde says:
"Mais l'emprise de Maciel a été telle, confie une source proche du Vatican, qu'il sera très difficile d'aider ces gens à s'en libérer sans les casser."

Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Monday, January 4, 2010
The many lives of Monsieur Marcial Maciel

Les multiples vies du Père Maciel
Les multiples vies du Père MacielIl fut un temps où le monde de la Légion du Christ était simple. D'un côté, une congrégation catholique en plein essor, fondée en 1941 par un homme exceptionnel - un "saint", croyaient beaucoup de Légionnaires -, qui avait gagné la confiance de plusieurs papes. De l'autre, les ennemis de l'Eglise, acharnés à détruire par des calomnies la réputation et l'oeuvre du bâtisseur, le prêtre mexicain Marcial Maciel.Pendant un demi-siècle, ce discours a été un bouclier efficace. Implantée dans vingt-deux pays, la Légion a fourni à l'Eglise plus de 800 prêtres (95 d'entre eux ont encore été ordonnés, le 12 décembre, à Rome), compte 2 500 séminaristes, s'appuie sur l'apostolat de 60 000 laïcs, anime 200 écoles et universités, brasse un budget annuel de 650 millions de dollars.
Mais elle traverse aujourd'hui une très grave crise, qui pourrait ternir l'image de son principal protecteur, le pape Jean Paul II, promis cette année à la béatification. Encore dominant lorsque la Légion avait ouvert ses portes au monde, début 2006, le portrait de Marcial Maciel a disparu de son site Internet, sauf à la rubrique "histoire". Il n'est plus question de l'ériger en modèle pour la jeunesse, comme l'avait fait Jean Paul II en 1994.
Read the rest here.